Wireless Institute

From Peter Harding VK4OD

Welcome to the Wireless Institute of Australia.
The WIA being the peak body representing Australian Amateur Radio Operator's and the Hobby of Amateur Radio in Australia.

Australian Amateur Radio FAQ

Australian Callsign Lookup :- ACMA

Clubs & Groups  

Education; Examination and Study information

Map; Australian interactive detailed

News; WIA National News Site.

Repeaters in VK Courtesy of VKHAM

VKHam for Radio Equipment to Sell or Buy

WIA National site


 The WIAQ Website is Financed and Operated by Peter Harding VK4OD.

This page updated 21st June 2020.

Please address any suggestions, corrections and or alterations to either:-

Peter VK4OD    

 Visitors since January 1st. 1999.
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